Automate annotations for social content and monitor your performance. Set up automations for each new post, paid campaign, or when you reach a goal.

Join top eCommerce site and hundreds of other companies that use Crystal Ball
Easy-to-use Chrome Extension that integrates with Google Analytics
Find clarity when you need it most. Empower team members to discover insights hidden in your Google Data Studio reports, Google Analytics, GA4 and Google Ads.
Starting to migrate to GA4? Save your old annotations and continue using them after you migrate to GA4.

Automate for easier tracking
In addition to the Shopify product updates, fully contextualize your data by setting up annotations for Google updates, search engine ranking positions, holiday observances, media mentions, website outages, and anything that impacts traffic to your website. Automated annotations ensure that critical events are captured and logged.
Automations for social ad platforms
Automate annotations for social content and monitor your performance. Set up automation for each new post, paid campaign, or when you reach a goal.

Integrate with popular apps
After integrating Crystal Ball with your favorite apps via Zapier, your data charts will be automated annotated. For example, annotate for your new Ads campaigns, email promotions, website updates, and much more.

Get notifications via SMS, Push, and Email
Alerts by email and SMS notify you about key events that can impact your business. Get reminders about upcoming retail marketing dates and global holiday observances and alerts about Google and WordPress updates, site outages, and even severe weather so you can mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities.
Like a Sticky Note on Your Analytics Charts
“When something is occurring, the chronology is clear: it’s happening now. “Now” steadily fades with the passing days, weeks, and months, quite harmlessly for most people. For Web analysts, however, this kind of oblivion can be fatal. How can we begin to measure the impact of any circumstance on website (or mobile app) behavior if we can’t remember when it happened?”
Our suite of monitoring and annotation tools provides critical context to your analytics charts. Like a Sticky Note on your chart, our annotations help you visualize what and when events happened so you can make better data-driven decisions.
Crystal Ball Insight Ltd. All rights reserved. 2023