For several months, Google has not released any core update. However, things changed in May 2020 when the search engine decided to roll out something new that many webmasters believe can improve search rankings. The update seems to have kicked into gear quickly, with significant volatility noticed within a day after it was officially rolled out. For those who are new website owners and not familiar with core updates from Google, below is what you need to know about the May 2022 Google core update:
What are Google Core Updates?
Google often make significant improvements to its overall ranking processes every few months. This change is referred to as a core update. It is designed to boost the relevance of the search results and make them more useful for internet users. Sometimes, a core update may take one or two weeks before a full rollout after initial announcements. According to the Public Liaison for Search at Google, Danny Sullivan, core updates may lead to changes in site performance in some cases.
Google give some general advice to users concerning core updates. First off, site owners should expect widely noticeable effects such as a boost or drop in search rankings. However, core updates are not targeted at any specific website or niche; instead, they are made to enhance the overall Google systems. If a page drops in rankings, it doesn't necessarily mean a penalty. They are simply being reevaluated against other published website content since the previous update. Also, it's possible for a website not to recover from a drop until the next core update.
Google May 2022 Broad Core Update: Facts and Recommendations
At about 11:30 pm ET, Google launched May 2022 Broad Core Update on the 25th of May 2022. The roll took some days to complete with influence not limited to any specific content. For a website owner, the good news is that the core update is not a penalty. Contrarily, it's a global update that promotes and rewards web pages with excellent content. Also, it influences content in every language.
While Google hasn't announced the percentage of searches and queries impacted by the broad core update, it is believed to influence Google Discover, snippets, and other features. As a website owner, if you notice any positive change in the site's metrics, then it's great. In other words, your site is thriving, and you have just survived another update. On the contrary, negative changes simply mean you should improve your content.
Expected Effects on Sites
Google's website confirms that some websites may experience a drop or a gain in ranking. Hence, don't be surprised if you notice any change in either direction. If you notice a drop in ranking, Google recommends that no special fix is necessary as there is nothing to fix. All your pages are fully functional, and more importantly, you have not violated any webmaster guidelines. A simple recommendation for any website owner is to work on building valuable content for their readers.
Up-to-date Google Release
If you would like to stay up-to-date concerning Google Updates, activate Crystal Ball automation for Google Updates on your Universal analytics or Google Analytics 4 account.